
Battlefield Victory | Winning the War Against Satan

Have you or a loved one been experiencing unexpected changes in thoughts, mood or behavior? Do you have a destructive habit you want to break but just can’t seem to? Have you seen movement out of the corner of your eyes or experienced sudden feelings of dread or unease?


Have you or a loved one been experiencing unexpected changes in thoughts, mood or behavior? Do you have a destructive habit you want to break but just can’t seem to? Have you seen movement out of the corner of your eyes or experienced sudden feelings of dread or unease?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions then you may be experiencing a spiritual attack. Recorded in the Bible and in the writings of individuals down through the centuries, demonic attack is a much more frequent occurrence than most people realize.

This book provides you with the tools to identify a spiritual attack and to fight back and reclaim your life and your peace of mind. Satan and his minions never rest, but God has given us tools to thwart the enemy if we would only claim them. God wants His children to live in peace and victory, not in bondage and fear.


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